You have many choices when searching for the best office water cooler. Here’s why our experts recommend a Tampa reverse osmosis water cooler service.

We all know that filtered water is healthier than water from your tap. But do you know what type of filtration is most effective? At Incredible Water Solutions, our Tampa reverse osmosis water cooler systems offer the cleanest water for your office. Here’s what you need to know about this filtration process and why it’s so beneficial.

What Is Reverse Osmosis?

Reverse osmosis (RO) is a water purification system that uses a semi-permeable membrane to separate unwanted particles from your water. These particles can be salt, sediments, and other contaminants. An RO system can rid your water of up to 99.9% of these unwanted particles that are as small as .001 microns. To give you some reference, carbon filtration can only separate out particles as small as 1 micron. That’s a big difference.

Let’s examine the added benefits of using a Tampa reverse osmosis water cooler.

RO Is Cost-Effective

Having a reverse osmosis water cooler in your office means no more costly water deliveries. And no more heavy lifting and risking dangerous spills. Our bottleless water coolers are designed to be hassle-free and budget-friendly. 

At Incredible Water Solutions, customer service is our top priority. After an initial consultation, our water technicians will handle every aspect of installation and maintenance. Once installed, we’ll come by to change your filter once a year so you’ll never have to worry about making time for those monthly water deliveries again.

RO Is Energy-Efficient

As powerful as this technology is, you may be surprised to learn that it does not require electricity. Reverse osmosis works with the water pressure in your building so your electric bill won’t go up by adding a Tampa reverse osmosis water cooler.  

RO Removes Dangerous Lead

One of the most prevalent contaminants found in U.S. water supplies is lead. Our Tampa reverse osmosis water cooler systems filter out all lead particles, keeping you safe from major health ramifications. The Environmental Protection Agency recommends no lead in public drinking water because it is so harmful to humans. You want your filtration system to get rid of lead because it can cause the following health problems:

RO Filters Out Salt

Did you know that a glass of unfiltered water can contain 12mg of sodium? That may seem like a small amount, but if you were to consume the recommended eight glasses of water a day, that’s 96mg. People on a low-sodium diet could be taking in sodium from their water without knowing it and putting their health at added risk.

Too much sodium can lead to high blood pressure, which can lead to health issues like heart disease and kidney or liver problems. You can see why it’s important to cut out salt in your water. Our Tampa reverse osmosis water cooler options will keep your water healthier.

Ready To Try Our Tampa Reverse Osmosis Water Cooler?Tampa reverse osmosis water cooler

At Incredible Water Solutions, we know that you will fall in love with our bottleless water coolers because they are hassle-free and will provide your office with the cleanest, best-tasting water. We offer a 7-day free trial so you can see why you’ll like it so much before deciding that it’s right for you and your employees. 

We have several models to choose from so contact us today to see which one is the perfect fit for your breakroom. We look forward to helping you with all of your bottleless water cooler needs.